A core part of CBT is memorising the OSM PSL routine; understanding this before attending CBT will benefit you greatly!
- Observation: Look into your mirrors and check for traffic following you. You’re looking to assess where they are so that it is safe for you to change speed and/or direction.
- Signal: Signal your intentions in good time to give other road users time to react.
- Manoeuvre: Carry out the manoeuvre. The manoeuvre is the PSL part of the OSM PSL routine.
- Position: Get into the appropriate position for the direction you intend on taking. Check your blind spot by doing a shoulder check. In this example, we turn left, so we do a should check to the left, then move the bike over the lefthand side of the road. If turning right, we would do a right should check them move the bike closer to the centre of the road
- Speed: Always slow down in good time when approaching a hazard and avoid leaving it too late. As this is a junction, slow down and prepare to stop. The give way road marking indicates this is a minor road. Traffic on a minor road must give way to traffic on a major road. At yellow lines, you MUST come to a complete stop
- Lifesaver/Look: As you approach the turn, look in all directions from the earliest point possible and, if necessary, stop at give ways or filters. At yellow lines, you must come to a complete stop. Before committing, you should complete a LifeSaver, which is a final shoulder check of your blindspot,